LIRC Luxembourg International Rowing Club


Waistrooss 2024 - Final Results!

Published Mon 08 Jul 2024

We welcomed 38 boats representing 128 coxswains or rowers from 11 different clubs!
This is a record for this unique rowing competition in Luxembourg.

We had a beautiful sunshine and the wind was not too strong.  Ideal conditions!

The winner of this 7th edition of the Waistroos Head of River is a triple C3 from RV Saarbrücken,
with Frank Schütze, Patrick Gerundt and Rainer Krischel!


As it is a handicap race where any type of boat, any age, any gender, may participate at the same time,
we also offer a special trophee to the fastest boat and to the best competitor under 23 years old.

This year, a crew from the RV Treviris was the fastest boat on the river with 8 rowers and a coxswain:
They rowed the 5000m race in 19:27 minutes and finished 3rd.

The best U23 rower is a rower from the RG Trier 1883 club, Cornelius Eisner, who finished at the 7th place in 23:45 minutes.

Congratulations and many thanks to all the participants!

The pictures of every crew will be published soon on the website gallery.  We will inform all the clubs via email.

Here a link to the full final arrival list.

We hope to see all of you again next year!  All the best!

The LIRC committee